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gen. come suddenly; break out; take by surprise; plump upon; arrive unexpectedly (Anglophile); plump; come unawares; show up unannounced (вместо "show up" можно подставить "come by/over", "arrive" и т.д.: My parents came by unannounced, I'm sorry. • What to do when guests show up unannounced? 4uzhoj); descend (on/upon: That would be impossible if our family and friends descended on us en masse. • About seven police vehicles, most unmarked, had suddenly descended on the area without sirens, according to McRitchie, and a man that she had observed walking through the parking lot with a coffee in his hand was on the ground in cuffs.); turn up (Abysslooker); pop in (Abysslooker); turn up unexpectedly; drop in on without warning (with к); descend on; occur suddenly; swoop down on (with в or на + acc.); raid; gatecrash (к кому-нибудь в гости и т.д., с оттенком неожиданности LisLoki)
amer. roll up (Right after we got there, this security guard rolls up and... Taras)
brit. pitch up (Abysslooker)
Gruzovik, inf. appear suddenly; come unexpectedly
inf. come unexpectedly
Makarov. turn up out of the blue; walk in
uncom. descend upon
: 16 phrases in 4 subjects