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verb | verb | adjective | to phrases
набрать vstresses
набрать вес; набрать номер
gen. gain (strength, experience, altitude, etc.); levy; muster (людей Mermaiden); take; garner (votes, information, etc. Habarovka); dial up (особ. номер телефона, но тж. и любую другую числовой комбинацию, код и т.п.); type (на печатной машинке или клавиатуре); assemble (из деталей, из разобранного вида); contract (workers); take on; dial (особ. номер телефона, но тж. и любую другую числовой комбинацию, код и т.п.); put on (о весе Natalia SIRINA); put together (скопить нужную сумму Ремедиос_П); call back (в некоторых контекстах глагол имеет значение "перезвонить":: Я сейчас в метро еду, попозже наберу 'More); pick up (Ivan Pisarev); gather; collect (a quantity of something); take in (water, air, etc.); pick up (speed); form; put together (a group, team, etc.)
Gruzovik gather; assemble (pf of набирать); take on (pf of набирать); enlist in military service (pf of набирать); contract workers (pf of набирать)
Игорь Миг scrape together (нужную сумму денег); snatch up (товар, напр.)
Gruzovik, polygr. set up (pf of набирать)
inf. punch in ("вбить" код и т.п. на цифровой клавиатуре: punch in your PIN • You can bank by phone in the USA, punching in account numbers on the phone. • Punch your credit card number into the keypad. Anglophile); scrape up (нужную сумму денег george serebryakov); draw in
inf., euph. help oneself to (This kid in Arkansas helped himself to a ton of military weapons and went and blew away his school. scrapsfromtheloft.com)
inf., tel. give someone a call (по телефону 4uzhoj); give someone a ring (по телефону 4uzhoj); call someone up (по телефону 4uzhoj); ring someone up (по телефону 4uzhoj); give someone a jingle (4uzhoj); give someone a buzz (4uzhoj); get someone up (по телефону 4uzhoj); give someone a shout (как частный случай "дать знать": Just give me a shout if you have any questions. 4uzhoj); hit sb up (по телефону: I'll hit you up later tonight – Я тебя вечером наберу. 4uzhoj); get onto (позвонить: I get onto room service an ask them to send me up a bottle of scotch, some glasses and some ice. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. make up
math. collect; accumulate
mil. enlist; draft; muster in (войска); enlist in military service; recruit
polygr. set in type (что-либо); set; compose; set up
railw., tel. set-up (номер)
sl., teen., tel. holler (at someone; как частный случай "дать знать": I'll holler at you in a while. – Я тебя наберу. 4uzhoj)
sport. rack up (очки: He racked up 41 points. QooZax); score (очки, баллы: Auckland scored 107.4 points, on par with Vancouver. ART Vancouver); score (points); printing to compose; set in type
sport., context. package (очки: Joe Ingles packaged 19 points and four stitches in a rough and tumble battle with Memphis that ultimately earned the Utah Jazz their third straight victory. george serebryakov)
sport., sport, bask. drop (очки: Jimmy Butler drops 38, gets heated with Blake Griffin in 76ers' win vs. Pistons. george serebryakov)
tech. dial in
tel. call (устар. MichaelBurov); dial (устар. MichaelBurov); give a call (устар. MichaelBurov)
tel., inf. get onto (позвонить: I get onto room service an ask them to send me up a bottle of scotch, some glasses and some ice. 4uzhoj)
набраться v
gen. collect (of dust, water, etc.); pile up (of work, debts, etc.); amount to; add up to; summon up; muster (courage, strength, patience. etc.); experience (fear, grief, etc.); get tanked; have skinful; have a skinful; pickle nose; sozzle oneself; muster (мужества и т. п. Mermaiden); accumulate; come up (to); contract (workers); enlist in military service; gather (of many people); muster in; recruit; take on
Gruzovik assemble (pf of набираться); collect (pf of набираться); accumulate (pf of набираться); come up to (pf of набираться)
amer. be full of painkiller
avunc. get fucked up (Andrey Truhachev)
Gruzovik, inf. have endured much (pf of набираться); have gone through a lot (pf of набираться); lay in (pf of набираться); save up enough (pf of набираться); get dead-drunk (pf of набираться); find (pf of набираться); acquire (pf of набираться); learn (pf of набираться); get drunk (pf of набираться); get loaded (pf of набираться)
Gruzovik, pejor. pick up (pf of набираться)
inf. be loaded (to be loaded on something Taras); save up enough; acquire; collect; find; get dead-drunk; get drunk; get loaded; have gone through a lot; lay in; learn; have a few (VLZ_58); be off one's face (ad_notam); get off one's face (ad_notam)
inf., pejor. pick up
polygr. compose; set up
slang have a load of booze; souse; have a package (on); blow-in; get a load on (get really drunk/hammered/slammed: It was indeed a good night to get a load on.)
набравшийся adj.
amer. whacked out (Anglophile)
brit. skinful (Taras)
Gruzovik, inf. drunk
inf. loaded (denghu); bevvied (Anglophile)
slang juiced; ginned; ginned up; grogged; sawed; hot; frazzled; fresh; sleepy; snubbed; sticking; boiled; foxed; half-screwed; hoary-eyed; orie-eyed; orry-eyed; half-stewed; how-come-ye-so; snozzled; stinking; swazzled
набрать очков The Jazz reeled off eight straight points to take a 42-33 lead ... v
sport, bask. reel off (VLZ_58)
: 496 phrases in 51 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Animation and animated films2
Cliche / convention3
Contextual meaning1
Figure of speech1
Hotel industry1
Household appliances1
Humorous / Jocular2
Ice hockey4
Mass media6
Mobile and cellular communications2
Obsolete / dated1
Oil / petroleum1
Oil and gas1
Rail transport1
Uncommon / rare1