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adjective | verb | verb | to phrases
мчащийся adj.stresses
gen. hell-bent; hurtling (Faig1976)
amer. hellbent (Даниил84)
мчаться v
gen. tear; rush; race; dash; lash; rip (о лодке, машине, автомобиле и т. п.); spur; highball; tear along; bucket; career; hell; shoot ahead; squatter; go like blazes; go the pace; skirr (рассекая воздух); strike out; tear down; drive; career about; career along; career over; career through; hit the pace; be in a hurry; careen (Pickman); speed along; streak; bedash; post; sweep; hurtle; rattle; zip (как пуля); speed; scud; rush along; steam; zoom down (sea holly); hurry (См. пример в статье "помчаться". I. Havkin); hump (VLZ_58); dash away ('He flicked the horse with his whip, and we dashed away through the endless succession of sombre and deserted streets, which widened gradually, until we were flying across a broad ballustraded bridge, with the murky river flowing sluggishly beneath us.' (Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) ART Vancouver); whisk; whisk away
Gruzovik rush along; speed along; race along
amer. go like sixty /split/; go like sixty; go like split; barrel along (The car was barreling along at a fairly rapid clip. Val_Ships); vroom (на машине на высокой скорости wdikan)
amer., inf. dust
amer., Makarov. pour it on
amer., slang wingding
arch. hurl
fig. purr along (the story purrs along like a velvet locomotive Taras)
hunt. bruise
inf. lick; slip along; whizz (об автомобиле); sling; whiz (об автомобиле и т.п.); hotfoot; tear across (через какую-то область Ant493); burn (о транспортном средстве); rip (о лодке, машине, автомобиле); scorch
inf., amer. chase
inf., dial. powder
inf., engl. belt
Makarov. fly; line out; sweep along; sweep over; bat along; go at a spanking pace (во всю); post off; race up; rattle along; spur forward; spur on
Makarov., inf. burn up (о транспортном средстве); chase about; chase around; hell around; tear about; tear around
mil., arm.veh. scour
nautic. soup
navig. shoot
obs. scour (VLZ_58)
slang drill; flat out; high -tail it; high -tall; hotfoot (it); snap it up; zap; peel (Palmirov); hot foot; storm; whoosh; whoosh (на автомашине и т.п.)
uncom. skelter; skid
мчать v
gen. whir; whisk; whisk away; rush; whirl; whirl along; fly (См. пример в статье "уносить". I. Havkin)
Gruzovik whirl along; rush along
Makarov. sweep (swept); whirl along (быстро везти, нести)
obs. whur
Мчащиеся adj.
relig. Adiyat (100-я сура Священного Корана); Coursers (100-я сура Священного Корана)
: 196 phrases in 16 subjects
American usage, not spelling7
Contextual meaning1
Figure of speech1
Obsolete / dated1