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verb | verb | to phrases
мутит vstresses
Игорь Миг it sucks
мутить v
gen. disorder (разум, рассудок); foul; mud; make thick; turn the stomach; dull; trouble; muddle (разум, рассудок); fog; cloud (the senses); puddle (воду); rile (воду и т. п.); muddy (жидкость); feel sick (его мутит – he feels sick Andrew Goff); have a sick feeling (меня мутит – I've got a sick feeling Andrew Goff); be a trouble maker (студенты вечно мутят воду – students are notorious troublemakers (stir up trouble) Andrew Goff); muddy waters (мутить воду -muddy the waters Andrew Goff); churn (one's stomach – stomach churning Andrew Goff); get butterflies (мутить от страха – get butterflies (in one's stomach) Andrew Goff); make feel nauseous (Andrew Goff); nauseate (Andrew Goff); feel crummy (Andrew Goff); feel whoopsy (mildy drunk, tipsy, cloudy in the head Andrew Goff); be nauseous (Dyatlova Natalia); roil (воду)
amer. roil (воду и т.п.)
fig. make dull; upset
Gruzovik, fig. dull (impf of помутить)
idiom. beat about the bush (shergilov)
inf. feel nauseous
Makarov. disturb; make muddy; make turbid; muddle (жидкость); stir up
obs. belute
platf.div. agitate
slang skeeve out (VLZ_58); start a relationship (VLZ_58); hook up with (Abysslooker)
мутиться v
gen. grow turbid; blur; get; grow muddy (of liquids); make muddy; make turbid; muddy (о жидкости); grow thick; become cloudy; become dulled (of the senses)
Gruzovik become turbid (impf of замутиться)
construct. flake
dial., obs. perturbed; disturbed
fig. become confused; dull; grow dim; make dull; stir up; upset
Gruzovik, dial. be agitated; be disturbed; be perturbed
Gruzovik, fig. grow dull (impf of помутиться)
Makarov. get cloudy; get muddy; grow muddy (of liquids)
: 50 phrases in 9 subjects
Natural resourses and wildlife conservation1
Obsolete / dated1