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verb | verb | to phrases
мотанный prtc.stresses
gen. wound
Gruzovik coiled
мотать v
gen. shake; waste; cast away; dilapidate; lavish; spend; throw away; wind; reel; wag; beckon; point; squander; jerk; blow off; skein (пряжу, шерсть); ball (в клубок)
Gruzovik wind up (impf of замотать, намотать)
cables coil up
dial. run; scoot
Gruzovik, dial. run; scoot
Gruzovik, inf. blue (неразумно, нерасчётливо тратить, растрачивать [деньги, имущество]); torment; wear out; harass; shake head, etc
Gruzovik, slang cut classes
inf. shake (with instr., one's head); torment; wear out
invect. beat it (Prastabah)
jarg. cut classes
Makarov. blow off (деньги); launch out (деньги); wound up; wind up
obs. palter
polygr. spool
tech. coil
textile ball
мотаться v
gen. hopscotch; flail; ply (туда-сюда shergilov); reel; cut classes; scoot; spool; torment; wear out; wind (up); be in and out (4uzhoj); dangle; knock about; coil; flush; hang loose
dial. run
Gruzovik, inf. swing; busy oneself; fuss about; bustle about; loiter about; hang about; wander
inf. run around (Tanya Gesse); cruise around (туда-сюда Andrey Truhachev); rush about (If you're still rushing about doing family prep for the holidays good luck to you. • He's rushing about from mother to wife, taking care of two homes.); squander; waste; harass; shake (head, etc); whiz past (мимо: This used to be a quiet neighbourhood and now that they've built this new highway exit we've got cars whizzing past 24/7. ART Vancouver); go about one's business (4uzhoj); zoom by (по прямой линии, туда-сюда ART Vancouver); rip around (на машине: 'Sad life of Tesla drivers in the snow! Stay home folks. I mean stay home Tesla drivers!' 'This is a tire problem not an EV problem. This driver does not have snow tires. I rip around in my Tesla with snow tires and the awesome traction control.' (Twitter) ART Vancouver); bob; fuss
Makarov. wag; fuss about (проводить время в утомительных хлопотах и т. п.)
tech. wind
мотай! v
Игорь Миг bug off!; get out of here!
мотал v
cook. Motal (разновидность овечьего сыра olblackcat)
Мотали v
rel., budd. Motali (колесничий Шакры)
: 75 phrases in 16 subjects
American usage, not spelling3
British English spelling1
Cliche / convention1
Horse breeding1