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мне всё равноstresses
gen. it is equal to me; idc (сокращение от I don't care suburbian); it makes no difference to me; I am not particular about it; I have no preference (о еде и т. п.); it is just the same to me; I don't care (Franky Mьller); not fussed (rema grigoreva); it is all the same to me; I am easy (Eng (colloquial)); I don't mind (Rudy); it's all the same to me; no skin off my back (Fructo); whatever (фраза, означающая, что разговор окончен 4uzhoj)
Игорь Миг I can't be bothered with
cliche. I don't really care (I know I believe it. I don't really care if anybody else believes it. ART Vancouver)
inf. it's no skin off my nose (Andrey Truhachev); like I care (Jackdaw); I'm easy (goo.gl/R5gsdb Olga Fomicheva); I don't give an eff (AlesiaS)
obs., uncom. I don't care a groat (В.И.Макаров)
uncom. I care not a pin for it
мне всё равно!
gen. I don't care!
мне всё равно
: 71 phrases in 8 subjects
Cliche / convention2
Quotes and aphorisms1