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микросоциология nstresses
dipl., philos. microsociology (one of the main points (or focuses) of sociology, concerning the nature of everyday human social interactions and agency on a small scale: face to face. Microsociology is based on interpretative analysis rather than statistical or empirical observation, and shares close association with the philosophy of phenomenology. Methods include symbolic interactionism and ethnomethodology; ethnomethodology in particular has led to many academic sub-divisions and studies such as microlinguistical research and other related aspects of human social behavior. Macrosociology, by contrast, concerns the social structure and broader systems)
el. micro-sociology
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микросоциология n
gen. направление в социологии, возникшее в 20-е гг. 20 в., ориентирующееся на изучение отношений в малых группах семья, производственная бригада и др. в качестве основной модели социальных отношений Г. Гурвич, Я. Морено, Э. Мэйо. См. Социометрия. Большой Энциклопедический словарь