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gen. be out in the way; bother
gen. meddle; mix; stand in the way; get in the way; agitate; become confused
| кому -либо
gen. put it across
| делать
gen. wax
- only individual words found

verb | verb | to phrases
мешать vstresses
gen. be out in the way (Avril); bother (только в знач. "причинять беспокойство/создавать неудобства", и то не во всех контекстах: Would it bother you if I smoked? • I don't want to bother you by being at your home.); stand in light (кому-либо); throw a wrench in the works (Taras); cramp (развитию); admix; bar; barred; blench; check with; cross; cut off; debar; deter; forbid (чему-л.); forefend; forfend; immingle; impeach; incumber; infringe; inhibit; bar iron; mash; peach; shuffle; stave off; stay from; stumble; tew (известь); tew-taw (известь); trammel up; traverse; withhold; hurt; do harm; stand in smb.'s way (кому́-л.); interfere with (sth.); get in the way (препятствовать, кому-либо); hinder; prevent; interfere; balk; baffle; mix; obstruct; preclude; disturb (кому-л.); clog; clutter; detain (движению и т. п.); encumber; hamper (чему-либо); handicap; hedge; incommode; oppose; poke (кочергой); shackle; thwart (желаний); trammel; preclude from; prohibit from; embar; blockade; head off; intermediate; short-circuit (чему-либо); stickle; be in the way; put a crimp in (в чём-либо); put a crimp into (в чём-либо); be in the road; legislate against; obscure (обзору); rouse; get in way; keep from; cramp style (Anglophile); gum; stymie; throw a spanner in the works (Anglophile); disrupt (disrupt performance – мешать осуществлению деятельности Merc); cramp someone's style (Anglophile); halt (Notburga); act as a check (Krio); hold back (карьере и т. п.); short circuit; cumber (движению); discommode; militate against (Alexander Demidov); baulk (Dim); throw obstacles in one's path (ART Vancouver); come between (кому-либо); get in someone's road; befog; mingle; impede; stir; interrupt; overslaugh; put off (от чего-либо); tie up; stonewall; pinch; stop; stop way (кому-либо); stick in gizzard (надоедать, кому-либо); lump together (bookworm); put a spoke in wheel; put out; work (тесто, масло и т.п.); make it difficult (the wind made it rather difficult to work on the beach SirReal); bother; give someone issues (кому-либо VLZ_58); be in someone's road (кому-либо); budge (Taras); throw a monkey wrench in the works (Taras); throw sand in the gears (Ремедиос_П); intervene (мешать разборкам; intervene in a conflict; similar "вмешиваться" Rudnicki); hamstring (Ремедиос_П); hamstring efforts (Ремедиос_П); bugger about (кому-либо); stand in the way of (diyaroschuk); don't bother me when I'm doing something (реклама "Carl's Jr":"Don't bother me.I'm eating!" Irasha95); stand in a way (Александр_10); stand in the way (Andrey Truhachev); inhibit (Taras); foil (исполнению чего-либо); confuse; mix up; confound; come; cut (чему-либо); disoblige; foreclose; foul (движению); hurt (VLZ_58); medley; militate (кому-л, чему-либо); stultify; jam; take (for); inconvenience; made it more difficult (A.Rezvov); stop from (Taras)
Gruzovik confound (impf of смешать); confuse (impf of смешать); agitate (impf of помешать); mix up (impf of смешать); blend with (impf of смешать)
Игорь Миг ban from; frustrate
abbr. felicity (Гевар)
amer. throw a wrench in the works (Bullfinch)
arch. prevene (Jet7)
auto. foil
busin. hinder (smth); deny; discourage; prohibit
cables blend; compound
chem. churn
dipl. militate
el. check
fig. stand in one's light (кому-л.); stand in someone's light (кому-л.); stymy
fig., inf. plague
Gruzovik, radio jam (impf of помешать)
handb. disturb
idiom. throw a monkey wrench into something (чему-либо); stand in light (кому-либо anadyakov); stand in light (кому-либо anadyakov); throw stones at (someone – кому-либо) сделать (что-либо Zanudoff); be a ripple in one's pond (кому-либо: This will work. I need some more time. Now stop talking so much. You're a ripple in my pond Taras); put a spoke in the wheel (To disrupt, foil, or cause problems to one's plan, activity, or project.: I had everything in line for the party, but having the caterer cancel on me at the last minute really put a spoke in my wheel. КГА)
inf. trash; dilly-dally; stall; mess up (мешать кому-то bolton926)
jarg. shove in the oar
low fart around (gauma)
Makarov. be in someone's way (кому-либо); stick in one's gizzard (кому-либо); rule out; bar from something (чему-либо); cut across; damage; get in one's way; get in the way; head (движению); hinder (someone – кому-либо); hound (кому-либо); muddle (жидкость, напиток); occlude; preclude from (сделать что-либо); be in someone's road (кому-либо); bother (someone – кому-либо); bugger about (кому-либо); cause harm; come between; disturb (someone – кому-либо); get in someone's road (кому-либо); get in the road (кому-либо); gum up the works (работе чего-либо); hedge about; block; foul up (движению); be in the road (кому-либо); be in the to get in someone's road (кому-либо); hedge around; hedge round; interfere with (чему-либо); militate against (кому-л, чему-либо); obstruct access to something (чему-либо); pinch in; pinch on; pinch upon; poke up (кочергой); prevent from (чему-либо); put a crimp in (в чём-либо); put a crimp into (в чём-либо); put off; snarl up; stick in one's stomach (кому-либо); stick in one's throat (кому-либо); stir up; work against
Makarov., inf. butt in; short-circuit
Makarov., inf., engl. put the mockers on something (чему-либо)
Makarov., rude bugger around (кому-либо)
math. interfere with
med. embarrass; impair (в медицинских текстах, напр., impair detection of protein aggregates Slawjanka); mixture
media. preclude (from)
mil., arm.veh. forestall
mus. tie; tye
nautic. upset
navig. intervene
obs. appeach; barshot; bemingle; cohibit; disaccommodate; empeach; encomber; incomber; incommodate; meine; menge; permix; uncalm (кому-л.); let
obs., dial. mell
psychol. violate
Scotl. steer; steerling
slang mess with someone or something (кому-либо Interex); monkey with someone or something (кому-либо Interex); qualm
tech. bar from something; bar (препятствовать); interfere (вмешиваться); engage (деталям проворачиваться); prohibit (препятствовать); stir (перемешивать)
uncom. estop
vulg. fuck with (someone – кому-либо); screw with (someone – кому-либо)
winemak. agitate
мешаться v
gen. meddle; mix; stand in the way (Andrey Truhachev); get in the way (Andrey Truhachev); agitate; become confused; become tangled; be blurred; blend; blur; admix
Gruzovik be in the way; mingle; interfere in/with
inf. interfere (with в + acc., in); be a hindrance
Makarov. be in a mess
obs. mell
tech. stir
мешать кому -либо делать
: 1 phrase in 1 subject