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verb | verb | to phrases
межевать vstresses
gen. mere; set the boundaries (of); measure land; surveying; set boundaries to
Gruzovik survey; set the boundaries of
Игорь Миг parcel out
agric. measure; measure lands
cartogr., topogr. delimitate
Makarov. measure land (землю)
obs. balk; baulk
межеваться v
gen. set the boundaries (of); survey
fig. alternate; take turns
Gruzovik, fig. separate oneself from
Gruzovik, inf. set off by boundaries
Gruzovik, obs. alternate (перемежаться, чередоваться); take turns (перемежаться, чередоваться)
inf., fig. separate oneself (from)
: 1 phrase in 1 subject