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макрос nstresses
comp. macroinstruction; macrocommand; macrocode; macros
comp., MS macro (A set of keystrokes and instructions recorded and saved as a key combination (such as CTRL + X) or file name. When the macro is used, all of the recorded steps are performed automatically. Macros save time by replacing a series of frequently performed steps with a simple key combination or name); macro project (A collection of components, including forms, code, and class modules, that make up a macro. Macro projects created in Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications can be included in add-ins and in most Microsoft office programs)
IT script
media. macros (группа комбинаций клавиш или команд, позволяющая автоматизировать выполнение сложных или часто повторяющихся последовательностей команд, используемых приложением)
prof.jarg. macro
HTML-макрос n
el. HTML macro
SSI-макрос n
progr. server side include (языка HTML ssn)
макрос RMAC n
SAP. RMAC macro
макросы n
IT macros
макрос RMA
: 64 phrases in 7 subjects
Information technology13
Water resources1