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gen. exfoliate; flake; scale; pill
inf. peel; come off
Makarov. peel
med. desquamate
met. peel off; scale off
| кожу
gen. leather

verb | verb | to phrases
лупить vstresses
gen. belabour (Anglophile); club; swipe at something (Don't swipe at the ball carelessly {Не лупи по мячу с размаху}, take more careful aim. Вадим Александров); pummel (SirReal); hull; peel (плоды, овощи); rind; shave; bash (Vadim Rouminsky); bludgeon (as in a collocation "bludgeoning weapon" Vadim Rouminsky)
Gruzovik baste (thrash); bark (impf of облупить); peel (impf of облупить); strip off (impf of слупить)
forestr. strip
Gruzovik, inf. thrash (impf of отлупить); fleece (impf of слупить); flog (impf of отлупить)
inf. whale (I. Havkin); belabor; pelt (Abysslooker); whack (dms); wallop; peel off the skin from; peel off the bark from; shell (an egg); peel off; strip off (skin, bark, etc.); charge (an exorbitant price); beat; kick ass (бить MichaelBurov)
prop.&figur. pommel (to pound or beat) 4uzhoj); pound (4uzhoj)
лупиться v
gen. exfoliate; flake; scale; pill; bark; peel; chip; shell
Gruzovik, inf. peel off (impf of облупиться, отлупиться); come off (impf of слупиться); flake off (impf of слупиться); fall off (impf of слупиться); crumble away (impf of слупиться)
inf. crumble away; fall off; flake off; fleece; flog; thrash; peel; of one's face peel
Makarov. peel (о коже); peel away (о коже, краске); peel off (о коже)
med. desquamate
met. peel off; scale off
railw. exfoliation
лупящийся prtc.
gen. scurfy
mineral. splintery
лупить: 32 phrases in 5 subjects
Computer games1
Wood processing1