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лишний разstresses
gen. once again; again if one can help it (Не хочу её лишний раз расстраивать. – I don't want to upset her again if I can help it.); further (The importance of providing the Task Force with adequate financial resources does not need to be further emphasized.); unnecessary (Тебе не нужно лишний раз вриклекать к себе внимание. – You don't want to draw any unnecessary attention to yourself. • Зачем лишний раз светиться, и сбегать через центральный выход. – I mean, it feels like a lot of unnecessary exposure for someone trying to sneak out the door. reverso.net); yet another occasion (The developments that occurred in August gave us yet another occasion to think about the responsibility to report events accurately.)
Gruzovik once more
context. add to (Я не хотел лишний раз расстраивать вас. – Well, I didn't mean to add to your distress.)
лишний раз: 13 phrases in 3 subjects