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лимит ответственности
 Лимит ответственности
gen. schedule of benefits
 лимит ответственности
gen. liability limit
avia. limit of liability
busin. limit of liability
econ. limit of responsibility
fin. cap
insur. insurance limit
law liability cap
| за ущерб
 за ущерб
product. for damage
| причинённый
gen. incur
| огнем
gen. fire

to phrases
лимит ответственностиstresses
gen. liability limit (Alexander Demidov)
avia. limit of liability (Страховщиков Andrew052)
busin. limit of liability
econ. limit of responsibility (dimock)
fin. cap (Alex_Odeychuk)
insur. insurance limit (Alexander Matytsin)
law liability cap (the maximum amount of money that is paid by one party to the other under the contract. There is no legal requirement to have a liability cap under English law (indeed, caps that are too low are considered unfair) but there is an increasing trend to limit exposure as a commercial measure 4uzhoj)
Лимит ответственности
gen. schedule of benefits (страховщика; графа в полисе 4uzhoj)
лимиты ответственности
insur. liability limits
лимит ответственности
: 44 phrases in 6 subjects
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development2
Oil / petroleum3