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лезть на рожонstresses
gen. ask for; look for trouble; show hackles; take a bear by the tooth; ask for it; kick against the prick; stick one's neck out (Anglophile); stick neck out (Anglophile); kick against the pricks; look for a fight (Tanya Gesse); knock head against a brick wall; run head against a brick wall; be too risky (knowing that most likely you'll get in trouble Taras)
Игорь Миг pick a fight
idiom. put fingers in the fire (Yeldar Azanbayev); go to the limit (Andrey Truhachev); lead with one's chin (oliversorge)
inf. ask for trouble; invite trouble (Svetlana D); put one's head into a noose (энгиль)
Makarov. head for trouble; knock one's head against a brick wall; run one's head against a brick wall
Makarov., inf. look for
proverb kick against the pricks (дословно: Лягать колючки. Смысл: сопротивляться во вред себе)
slang shine
лезть на рожон
: 12 phrases in 6 subjects