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gen. tack; claw; ply; trim sails; tack for tack; cast about
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astronaut. westbound

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gen. tack; claw; ply; trim sails; tack for tack (Interex); cast about; temporize; thread (перен.: a waiter threaded his way between the tables Рина Грант); stall (cognachennessy); be devious; make boards; beat; dodge (Abysslooker); weave (Weaving between the bar patrons, he reached Justin and Jane's table Побеdа); wriggle (Abysslooker); beat to windward; ply by boards; sail to windward; work windward
Игорь Миг fiddle with
fig. maneuver; to manoeuver
fish.farm. beat along the wind (dimock); beat up (dimock)
Gruzovik, fig. manoeuver (impf of славировать); maneuver (impf of славировать)
Gruzovik, nautic. go about (impf of славировать)
idiom. navigate (Moscowtran)
idiom., context. do some fancy footwork (4uzhoj)
Makarov. tack (между мнениями); be devious; beat about
Makarov., nautic. cast round; cast around
mil., nautic. manoeuvre
nautic. traverse; laveer; play by board; play to windward; ply by board; make a boards; play by boards; beat (против ветра, течения); weave; go about; board; tack about; tack with the wind
navig. beat (напр. против ветра)
sail. cruise
: 27 phrases in 7 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture2