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кучи денегstresses
Игорь Миг fat wads of money
куча денег
gen. mint of money; packet; oodles of money; pot of money; pots of money; a power of money; a fantastic sum of money; a mint of money; a potful of money; a sight of money; acres of money; an amplitude of money; scads of money; stacks of money; tons of money; a fantastical sum of money; big bucks (Anglophile); a pile of money (This is going to cost B.C. taxpayers a pile of money. ART Vancouver); fortune (suburbian); an arm and a leg (Ремедиос_П); gobs of money (Taras)
Игорь Миг whole lot of money; huge amount of money; lots of money
austral. poultice (That dork put a poultice on Red Caviar, and the neddy lost! Should've betted on Black Caviar instead. Maven)
brit. lashings of money (Anglophile)
busin. lump of money
fig.of.sp. sackfuls of money
idiom. heaps of money (Yeldar Azanbayev)
inf. bags of money (Юрий Гомон); wads of money (Bullfinch); hills of money (You won’t have to shell out hills of money on my whims any more (Black Swan Green) Pigalle); boatloads of money (They made boatloads of money from that project Taras)
law sight of money (bigmaxus)
Makarov. big roll
product. offtish (Yeldar Azanbayev)
slang fistful of money; pot; pretty penny; roll; scads; skads; load of dough (If they offer you a rebate, that'll save you a load of dough. ART Vancouver)
кучи денег
: 49 phrases in 8 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Cycling other than sport1