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куй железо, пока горячоstresses
gen. make hay while the sun shines
Makarov. you'd better cash in while you can
proverb delays are dangerous; procrastination brings loss; procrastination is the thief of time; take time by the forelock; hoist your sail when the wind is fair; never put off till tomorrow what you can do today (contrast: set not your loaf in till the oven's hot); strike while the iron is hot; make hay while the sun shines (дословно: Коси сено, пока солнце светит); strike the iron while it is hot; time and tide wait for no man; don't spoil the ship for a ha'p'orth of tar
куй железо пока горячо
gen. don't miss your window! (Holly Golightly)
ковать железо, пока горячо
Makarov. get out while the going is good; go while the going is good
proverb strike while the iron is hot (т.е. предпринимать усилия, пока есть возможность; англ. оборот взят из репортажа MSNBC Alex_Odeychuk)
slang irons in the fire
ковать железо пока горячо
gen. make hay (неполная форма выражения: make hay while the sun shines: There were more noirs, more of her beloved westerns (including 1950's The Furies and 1955's The Violent Men), and a brace of lesser-sung Douglas Sirk melodramas that make hay out of Stanwyck's increasingly starry, glamorous persona vogeler)
куй железо пока горячо
: 5 phrases in 3 subjects