
   Russian English
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gen. spin; screw; pin wheel; flail; pinwheel; swoosh
geol. eddy
| вертеть
gen. revolve

verb | verb | to phrases
крутить vstresses
gen. pirl; wrest; wring; wringer; turn; twist (cloth, rope, etc.); swirl (dust, snow, etc.); twirl; whirl; curl; screw; spin; throw (шёлк); twiddle; wind; intort; give a twist; twiddle (бесцельно); roll up; play (что-либо в руках); strand (канаты, тросы, верёвки); roll (a cigarette); trick; wiggle; span; work (Here Mr. Jackson smiled once more upon the company; and, applying his left thumb to the tip of his nose, worked a visionary coffee-mill with his right hand, thereby performing a very graceful piece of pantomime... – Тут мистер Джексон снова улыбнулся присутствующим и, приставив большой палец левой руки к кончику носа, правой рукой привел в движение воображаемую кофейную мельницу, показав таким образом изящную пантомиму...)
Gruzovik twist (cloth, rope, etc.); turn
austral., slang burl
auto. turn over (- The battery turns over alright – Аккумулятор крутит нормально.; о аккумуляторе CCK)
footb. swerve (the ball, мяч)
Gruzovik, dial. drink hard; booze
Gruzovik, inf. have on a string (impf of закрутить, скрутить); go out with; have one's way with (impf of закрутить, скрутить); marry off (impf of скрутить); have an affair with
inf. drink hard; go out (with); have an affair (with); have on a string; have way (with); toy with (If you toy with an object, you keep moving it around with your fingers, especially while you are thinking about something else. He picked up a pencil and toyed with it idly. VLZ_58)
leath. twist
Makarov. wind (ручку, рукоятку); form a roll; play with; wound up (ручку, рукоятку); wind up (ручку, рукоятку)
mil., arm.veh. crank
mus. wrap around (Shady)
navig. wind (напр. ручку)
shipb. churn
sport. drive (обруч, серсо)
крутиться v
вертеться; крутиться в голове
gen. spin; screw; pin wheel; flail; pinwheel; swoosh; shift around (Aly19); flock about (напр., вокруг девушки dimock); fly round (о колесе); gyrate; revolve; roll up; wind; fiddle; play (обыкн. в ограниченном пространстве); run; rattle around (Alex_Odeychuk); wring; wringer; huddle (around ... – вокруг ... Alex_Odeychuk)
Gruzovik turn; gyrate; revolve
construct. reel
fig., inf. be in a whirl; hang around
geol. eddy; swirl
inf. drink hard; go out (with); have an affair (with); have on a string; to smooch; have way (with); mess around (VLZ_58); bend over backwards (очень стараться VLZ_58); lean over backwards (VLZ_58)
inf., dial. booze
Makarov. slew; twirl; circle around (вокруг кого-либо); circle round (вокруг кого-либо); twist about; churn
nautic. head
slang get away (Yeldar Azanbayev)
tech. twist; roll
textile whirl
крутило v
construct. jointers
Gruzovik, tech. knob; hand wheel
neol. rotor (GlebRomani)
"крутиться" v
gen. get away with things
inf. hop (plushkina)
" крутиться" v
gen. bustle about (Andrey Truhachev)
крутится v
amer. swim in it (Slang type expression Maggie)
 Russian thesaurus
крутиться v
gen. вертеться на языке
крутить: 213 phrases in 32 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Armored vehicles1
Cliche / convention1
Cycle sport1
Cycling other than sport4
Figure of speech1
Ice hockey2
Obsolete / dated1
Quotes and aphorisms1
Textile industry2
Uncommon / rare1