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gen. criticize; animadvert; attack; carp; damn; pull apart
| кого-либо
gen. put it across

verb | verb | to phrases
критиковать vstresses
gen. criticize; animadvert; attack; carp; damn; pull apart; be severe upon; sit in judgement; sit in judgment; potshoot; sound off (Taras); start in; be censorious of; be censorious upon; criticise; discommend (Anglophile); hate on smt (akimboesenko); criticize for (кого-либо за что-либо); level criticism at (MargeWebley); rubbish (Little wonder Iran feels obliged to prepare for new confrontations, as its landmark 2015 international nuclear treaty is rubbished by Trump and Israel. lop20); oppose (Go4a); wade; second-guess (to criticize or correct, often by hindsight, by presuming to have a better idea, method, etc. marina_aid); do a number on (someone); find fault with (кого-либо/что-либо); pick on; subject to criticism (Anglophile); tilt (в выступлении, в печати и т. п.); tee off; call out (If he did anything wrong, I'd be the first to call him out on it. VLZ_58); slap down (bjjjork); censure; take aim at (A.Rezvov); be censorious of; nibble at (VLZ_58); disparage (Ремедиос_П); comment; condemn; dispraise; dispraising; find fault; gloss; lash; pass comments on; syndicate; judge; review; blame; descant; lambaste; niggle; rip (кого-либо); dish it out to (He can dish it out, but he can't take it. =he likes to criticize other people, but he doesn't like being criticized. VLZ_58); scald (An article scalding the administration for incompetence. – thefreedictionary.com mrssam); tweak (VLZ_58); chastise (Шизонт); pick at (The critics picked at the little things, missing the serious problems. george serebryakov); challenge (DC); pound away at sb/sth (In his campaign speeches the candidate kept pounding away at the administration's foreign policy. dashaalex); vilify (A.Rezvov); took a swipe at (Дмитрий_Р); pass judgment on (Don't pass judgment on me [=don't criticize me] until you know all the facts. VLZ_58); down-talk (SirReal)
Gruzovik review; judge
Игорь Миг take a jab at; rant about; get at; go negative on; come down on; revile (Women everywhere revile this shirt.); berate; tear into
amer. slam; smack (Nikolov); critique (to critique society – критиковать общество; Mystery: CNN loses feed as reporter critiques Hillary Clinton (infowars.com Taras); go off on (go off on (someone) – to criticise, denigrate, diss. An item of black slang of the 1990s, also adopted by younger white speakers Taras); beat up on (to attack verbally: She was getting beat up on by her critics; She didn’t like being beaten up on by the press. Ин.яз); take a poke at (Bennett took a poke at the president’s refusal to sign the bill PanKotskiy)
austral. bag out (slang; to criticise someone: I don't mean to bag you out, but that top is really not flattering on you. Val_Ships)
austral., slang kick someone's butt in (кого-либо); knock; pick holes in; pick to pieces (особенно по мелочам); put shit on; throw off at
busin. assault; maintain criticism; criticise (smb, кого-л.)
dipl. tax; dig at (кого-либо); take a potentiality at (что-либо); assail
fig. pick a hole in one's coat; take a pot shot (at someone/something Andrey Truhachev); take a potshot (at someone/something Andrey Truhachev)
fig., slang slag off (leosel)
idiom. take a shot (at ART Vancouver); take shots (at ART Vancouver); take a potshot (at someone Andrey Truhachev); take a pot shot (at someone Andrey Truhachev); Give someone a piece of mind (Burkot); have hitched his wagon to (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
inf. bash (I don't want to bash the government, they've been pretty good to us. ART Vancouver); slate; take off (on; кого-либо); get back (кого-либо); give heat (Don't give them too much heat, they're doing all they can. joyand); take a lot of flak (for sth. from someone: в страдат. залоге: Его сильно критиковали – Mayor Robertson took a lot of flak for that decision from local residents. ART Vancouver); diss (speak disrespectfully to or criticize: Do you control this camera live / wait for accidents? not a diss, genuinely curious! -- Я не критикую, мне действительно интересно знать. (Reddit) reddit.com ART Vancouver); dish; give someone grief (Don't give me any grief – I've done all I can! VLZ_58); throw shade (Publicly criticize or express contempt for someone = They weren’t the only people who threw shade at her performance Shakermaker); be hard on people (VLZ_58)
inf., amer. hammer (кого-либо); rap
libr. critic; critique; critisise; critisize
Makarov. pass judgement on (someone); особ. свысока; кого-либо); pass judgement upon (someone); особ. свысока; кого-либо); pick (at); pick to apart; pick to pieces; riddle; pick a hole in something; pick holes in something; be down on (кого-либо); animadvert on; animadvert upon; do a hatchet job on (someone – кого-либо); dump on (кого-либо); find fault with someone, something (кого-либо, что-либо); get at; nibble at; pass a comment upon someone, something (кого-либо, что-либо); pass a remark upon someone, something (кого-либо, что-либо); pass censure upon someone, something (кого-либо, что-либо); pass criticism upon someone, something (кого-либо, что-либо); pick apart; pick hole in; rip into (кого-либо); take a lot of flak for something from (someone); страдат. залог: Его сильно критиковали – Mayor Robertson took a lot of flak for that decision from local residents); throw cold water on something (что-либо)
Makarov., amer. pick up; throw up
Makarov., inf. take off (on; кого-либо)
obs. exagitate (dzingu); scan
slang blast (MichaelBurov); bad-mouth; bitch; boot; down; let someone have it; on someone's back; poor-mouth; sconce (кого-либо); take someone; something apart; dish out (Interex); get down (Do not get down on me. I didn't do it.Не критикуй меня. Я не делал этого. Interex); give a lot of stick (Madlark); dis (to find fault with : criticize – e.g., a DJ who has dissed every album that rapper has put out 'More); knock down; pop off; put something or someone down; put the slug on (someone); put the whammy on someone or something; tee up; get down to (кого-либо Yeldar Azanbayev); lay a heavy trip on (someone – кого-либо Interex); blast (кого-либо Interex); high-road (Alexsword92)
vernac. nibble (что-л.)
vulg. tear someone's ass (кого-либо)
критиковаться v
gen. criticize; judge; review
Игорь Миг come in for flak
критиковавший prtc.
gen. slagged off (suburbian)
: 333 phrases in 26 subjects
American usage, not spelling5
British usage, not spelling1
Figure of speech3
Mass media14
Obsolete / dated1
Quotes and aphorisms1
Uncommon / rare1