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красная нитьstresses
gen. veritable refrain (in / through / throughout something Эвелина Пикалова); common thread (переносное знач. Кунделев); throughline (also through-line, through line: a theme or idea that runs from the beginning to the end of a book, film, etc. collinsdictionary.com Tamerlane)
fig. common theme (Andrey Truhachev)
fig.of.sp. unifying thread (The preventive intent is the unifying thread in the foundational texts. (Report of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion of truth, justice, reparation and guarantees of non-recurrence to the Human Rights Council, Guarantees of non-recurrence, A/HRC/30/42 (2015).) olenavyn)
idiom. a golden thread (to run like a golden thread through trancer); golden thread (Andrey Truhachev)
lit. a fil rouge (gerasymchuk)
poetic axis (в словосочетаниях – "в романе красной нитью проходит вся жизнь, судьба главного героя" Franka_LV)
"красная нить"
gen. clew
idiom. thread (A leitmotif on journalism of melancholy marked all his writing (Merriam-Webster).: threads through this often-byzantine narrative. (Dictionary.com) A thread GeorgeK); leitmotif (A leitmotif on journalism of melancholy marked all his writing (Merriam-Webster).: threads through this often-byzantine narrative. (Dictionary.com) A thread GeorgeK)
красная нить
: 18 phrases in 6 subjects