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контрагент nstresses
gen. contractor (Alexander Demidov); partner; counteractant; contract partner (ABelonogov); contractee (I. Havkin); contractual partner (see duke.edu Tanya Gesse); contracting agent (Alexey Lebedev); counter-agent; party (Alexander Demidov); business partner (A business partner is a commercial entity with which another commercial entity has some form of alliance. This relationship may be a contractual, exclusive bond in which both entities commit not to ally with third parties. Alternatively, it may be a very loose arrangement designed largely to impress customers and competitors with the size of the network the business partners belong to. WK. An individual or company who has some degree of involvement with another entity's business dealings. The term "business partner" can have a wide range of meanings, with one of the most frequent being a person who, along with another person, plays a significant role in owning, managing, or creating a company (two best friends who start a business together would consider themselves business partners). The term is also frequently used for two businesses that cooperate, to any degree, such as a computer manufacturer who works exclusively with another company who supplies them with parts. Read more: businessdictionary.com Alexander Demidov); customer (in some contexts "customers" works just right Tanya Gesse); counterparty (Oksanut)
brit. contracted client (Alexander Matytsin)
busin. party to contract; contraparty (Alexander Matytsin); contractual counterparty (Контрагент – одна из сторон договора. Alexander Matytsin)
EBRD counterparty (A counterparty is the other party that participates in a financial transaction, and every transaction must have a counterparty in order for the transaction to go through. More specifically, every buyer of an asset must be paired up with a seller who is willing to sell and vice versa // Investopedia Alexander Demidov)
econ. counterpart; cosignatory; transactor (А.Шатилов)
fin. counterparty (противоположная сторона в финансовой сделке, такой, как сделка с ценными бумагами или соглашение о свопе Natalya Rovina)
formal interlocutor (_abc_)
IMF. counterparty (securities settlement systems; по операции)
int.rel. contra party (ARyaposov)
law contracting party; covenantee; covenantor; co-signatory; party to the trade; covenanter; counter party (NaNa*); adverse party (gennier)
law, ADR party to a contract
notar. opposite party to a contract; other party to a contract
patents. contracting partner
контрагенты n
gen. contracting parties; business contacts (There are some excellent opportunities around, if you ask friends and business contacts. LBED. We had lunch with a couple of business contacts. CALD. Her business contacts described her as 'a very determined lady'. CT. As a result, sales increased, trade relationships were enhanced and new business contacts opened up. Other clients were reached via business contacts or friends. Modest wage and price pressures were reported by most business contacts. A mail reader program helps you read, send and organize e-mail correspondence with friends, colleagues and business contacts. LDOCE. We apply the same principles in all our dealings with business contacts and the people who choose to pursue a career with us. Alexander Demidov); customers, distributors and agents (контекстуальный перевод 4uzhoj)
econ. constituency
 Russian thesaurus
контрагент n
gen. одна из сторон договора. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
: 119 phrases in 23 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Corporate governance2
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development17
International Monetary Fund2
Maritime law & Law of the Sea1
Oil / petroleum1
Stock Exchange2