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командно-штабное учениеstresses
gen. command post exercise ("a field exercise participated in by command, staff, and communication personnel only" merriam-webster.com Oksanut)
Gruzovik headquarters exercise
Gruzovik, abbr. CPX (command-post exercise)
Gruzovik, mil. headquarter exercise; command post exercise; command-post exercise
mil. head-quarter exercise; CP exercise; command-and-staff training exercise; command and staff exercise; exercise without troops; paper exercise; command and CP exercise; tactical exercise without troops (Alex_Odeychuk); TEWT (Alex_Odeychuk)
mil., artil. tactical exercises without troops
mil., inf. paper play
mil., jarg. paper battle
командно-штабные учения
mil. command-staff exercise (denghu); CPX (Denis_Sakhno); Command Post Exercise (CPX Alexander Demidov)
NATO Command Post Exercise (КШУ)
O&G tabletop exercises (MichaelBurov); team-headquarters emergency training exercises (MichaelBurov); desktop exercises (MichaelBurov)
O&G, sakh. table-top exercises (используется в области ликвидации аварийных разливов нефти и нефтепродуктов kozelski)
OHS incident command team exercise (Leonid Dzhepko)
Командно-штабное учение
gen. table top exercise (umountin)
командно -штабные учения
: 24 phrases in 4 subjects
Oil and gas4
Security systems1