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коллективный трудовой договорstresses
gen. workplace agreement (Австралия Steve Elkanovich); CBA (Кунделев); collective bargaining agreement (wikipedia.org 4uzhoj); collective agreement (1. the contract, written or oral, made between an employer or employers and a union on behalf of all the employees represented by the union. 2. the schedule of wages, rules, and working conditions agreed upon. RHWD. a negotiated agreement, which is not enforceable at law, between an employer and employees' representatives, covering rates of pay or terms and conditions of employment, or both Example Sentences Including "collective agreement" (This may be extended to 45 hours only by collective agreement. BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL (2002) According to the National Basketball Association's collective agreement , the dispute will be heard by an independent arbitrator. GLOBE AND MAIL (2003) In 1992 ABP gave notice that it was terminating the collective agreement and de-recognising the union for all purposes. TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES (2002) Want to start negotiating now for a new collective agreement to replace the one that expires next summer. GLOBE AND MAIL (2003). Collins Alexander Demidov); collective labor contract (I.Jaya)
corp.gov. collective agreement
fin. collective contract
law labour contract; labor contract
notar. collective labor agreement
O&G solidarity labour contract (Yeldar Azanbayev)
sociol. collective labour agreement
коллективный трудовой договор
: 5 phrases in 4 subjects
Trade unions1