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клиент проститутки
 клиент проститутки
inf. john; whoremaster; whoremonger
slang Johnny; score; trick; punter
| который
gen. who
| любит
gen. love
| когда
gen. ever
| та
chinese.lang. t'a
| бьёт
gen. toil
| его
gen. his
| пивной бутылкой
 пивная бутылка
Makarov. beer bottle

to phrases
клиент проституткиstresses
amer. meatball (a prostitute's customer: J. Stern Sisters of the Night 5: Clerks, bellhops and elevator operators were recruited to steer the customers – the ‘Johns’ or ‘meatballs’ – to the selected suites Taras)
inf. john; whoremaster (Andrey Truhachev); whoremonger (Andrey Truhachev)
slang Johnny; score; trick; punter (Urban Dictionary; Babylon vladimirovna)
vulg. fare; horse; short-timer; stallion; steamer; trade; jockey
клиент проститутки: 26 phrases in 4 subjects