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кислородное голоданиеstresses
gen. anoxaemia; anoxia; oxygen deficiency
auto. oxygen starvation
avia. oxygen want
biol. air hunger
chem. deficiency of oxygen
Makarov. oxygen hunger
med. hypoxia; oxygen lack; oxygen deprivation; hypooxygenatiion (MichaelBurov); hypo-oxygenatiion (MichaelBurov); hypo oxygenatiion (MichaelBurov); oxygen defect; oxygen deficit; reduction of oxygen supply to tissue below physiological levels (MichaelBurov); oxygen debt (Ballistic)
mining. oxygen starvation (при силикозе)
OHS tissue anoxia
scub. oxygen debt (a cumulative deficit of oxygen available for oxidative metabolism that develops during periods of intense bodily activity and must be made good when the body returns to rest)
 Russian thesaurus
кислородное голодание
gen. см. гипоксия Большой Энциклопедический словарь
кислородное голодание
: 4 phrases in 3 subjects