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gen. sewerage (Alexander Demidov); sewerage system (network of pipes, pumps, and force mains for the collection of wastewater, or sewage, from a community. Modern sewerage systems fall under two categories: domestic and industrial sewers and storm sewers. Sometimes a combined system provides only one network of pipes, mains, and outfall sewers for all types of sewage and runoff. The preferred system, however, provides one network of sewers for domestic and industrial waste, which is generally treated before discharge, and a separate network for storm runoff, which may be diverted to temporary detention basins or piped directly to a point of disposal in a stream or river. britannica.com Alexander Demidov); drain works (Vadim Rouminsky)
archit. sanitation
construct. sewer system
environ. sewerage system (System of pipes, usually underground, for carrying waste water and human waste away from houses and other buildings, to a place where they can be safely get rid of; Система труб, проложенных обычно под землей, предназначенная для удаления жидких стоков и отходов жизнедеятельности человека из жилых домов и других зданий в места, где предусмотрена их безопасная утилизация)
forestr. sewage system
hydrol. sewer synodic
Makarov. sewer; sewerage (города)
mil., WMD sewage collection system
O&G, tengiz. sanitary system (Yeldar Azanbayev)
tech. collecting system; sewerage system; sewage system (Collection of pipes and mains, treatment works, and discharge lines (sewers) for the wastewater of a community. Britannica Alexander Demidov)
water.res. sewage works
water.suppl. sewage network (Sloneno4eg)
канализационные системы
Makarov. sewage collection systems; sewer systems
канализационной системы
: 63 phrases in 17 subjects
Energy industry1
Hydraulic engineering2
Material safety data sheet1
Sakhalin R2
United Nations1
Water resources3
Water supply5
Weapons of mass destruction4