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gen. make hay of (sth.); reduce to powder; blow something to smithereens (Jaybugger09); knock over like skittles; blow something sky high (triumfov); turn into rubble (Bullfinch); tear apart (Bullfinch); not to leave a stone standing; raze to the ground
idiom. blown out of the water (Franka_LV); be blown out of the water (Franka_LV); leave in tatters (Баян); shoot down in flames (to strongly criticize an idea or plan: Show this at the hearing and they'll shoot it down in flames. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. make hay of something (от чего-либо); raze it to the ground; tear it to shreds (рскритиковать)
proverb take something to pieces; not to leave one stone upon another (Olga Okuneva)
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gen. not a stone was left standing
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Игорь Миг blow to smithereens
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: 25 phrases in 5 subjects