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как правило
 как правило
gen. as a rule; most commonly; as usual; for the most part; as a general guide; the vast majority of the time
book. it is common practice
| триггер-идентификатор
progr. trigger-signature
| это
gen. this is
| единственное событие
 единственное событие
progr. single event
| которое может вызвать
 который может вызвать
progr. that may cause
| изменение
construct. alteration
- only individual words found

to phrases
как правилоstresses
gen. as a rule (As a (general) rule, I don't read detective novels. cambridge.org); most commonly (Alexander Matytsin); as usual (something that normally happens Val_Ships); as a general guide (отделить запятыми twinkie); the vast majority of the time (Ремедиос_П); the whole (April May); generally; primarily (Stas-Soleil); customarily (=normally: Medieval intellectuals undoubtedly were aware of the controversy and would not lightly attempt to paraphrase religious text. Translations of religious documents customarily required permission from an authority. 4uzhoj); familiarly; often (Post Scriptum); mostly (Мирослав9999); tend to (marina_aid); in general (Notburga); as often as not (Aly19); the general rule is (SirReal); as a matter of course; on a large scale (gnev); as a general as a usual thing; as a general matter (As a general matter, it should be safe to assume that ... I. Havkin); tend to be (ZarinD); as a matter of thumb (scherfas; as a RULE of thumb (and that too doesn't mean как правило) Liv Bliss; выглядит как "усеченное" - as a matter of thumb rule (такое тоже встречается). Примеров достаточно - напр. As a matter of thumb, you may expect to reach 200,000 individuals via the efforts of 100 micro-influencers. (я бы перевел "практика/опыт показывает, что"... еще - As a matter of thumb, even common and straightforward estate-related disputes should not be handled by any civil litigator who does not regularly litigate ... 'More); tend (Most of them tend to be tall. Большинство из них как правило высокие. ffb); typically (Notburga); largely (zeev); basically (tavost); more often than not (Franka_LV); traditionally; commonly; in most cases (Post Scriptum); as always (as always happens Val_Ships); as a general rule
Игорь Миг for the most part; broadly speaking
book. it is common practice (о выполнении какого-либо действия igisheva)
busin. normally; normally (organizations that normally share the following characteristics)
cliche. on any given day (о деятельности: Back in college, my friends and I would always all go to the cafeteria across campus together for lunch. There were about 8-10 of us on any given day so normally you had 3-4 of us in a huddle followed by the other 3-4. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
econ. specifically (Pavlov)
formal it is general practice (о выполнении какого-либо действия igisheva)
idiom. the rule of thumb is that (Millennials (born 1985-2004) are the largest generation ever born in America (88 million) and even outnumber the Boomers. He suggested they influenced the outcome of the recent presidential election, as some 16 million new voters entered the ranks in 2020, while some 8 million older voters died off. The rule of thumb, according to Gronbach, is that younger voters tend to be more liberal, and older ones more conservative. coasttocoastam.com)
inf. by and large (I find that, by and large, people tend to do what they are told to do. Val_Ships)
law as a general principle (Sergey.Cherednichenko)
Makarov. ordinarily; as rule; as a usual thing; as a general thing
meas.inst. commonly (Speleo)
product. as general (Yeldar Azanbayev)
как правило, триггер-идентификатор – это единственное событие , которое может вызвать изменение
: 1 phrase in 1 subject