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как идут дела
 как идут дела?
gen. how are ?; how are getting on?; how are things going with ?; how is ?; how is business?; how is day?
| на новой
 на новый
context. for another
| работе
gen. labor
| у
gen. near
| вашего брата
 ваш брат
gen. you and your sort

to phrases
как идут дела?stresses
gen. how are sb., you, we, they?; how are sb., you, we, they getting on?; how are things going with sb?; how is sb., he, she, it?; how is business?; how is one's day?; how is sb., he, she, it getting on?; how is it going?; how's sb., he, she, it?; how's business?; how's one's day?; how's sb., he, she, it getting on?; how are things progressing?; how wags the world?; how's it going?; how's it working out? (говоря о результатах работы, усилий: ‘And how's it working out?' ‘The prospects look good. He mellows more with every meal. A few more dinners ought to do the trick.' (P.G.Wodehouse) – Ну и как идут дела? ART Vancouver); how are things making out?
slang how are things going? (Rashid29)
как идут ваши дела?
gen. what's with you?
как идут дела
gen. how things are going (I check the web site at least once a day to see how things are going in my hometown. ART Vancouver)
как идут дела: 31 phrases in 4 subjects