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как бы то ни былоstresses
gen. nevertheless; howbeit; anyhow; be that as it may; be that as it may; however that may be; one way or another; some way or other; none the less (User); anyways; at all rates; to all intents and purposes; that's as it may be (Alexander Demidov); at any rate (Anglophile); at all events (Anglophile); whatever the case (dessy); be it as it was (Interex); as it were; as; which is how; in any event (Stas-Soleil); any... whatsoever; in any case (zanzarina); for what it's worth (Vampiresneverdie); for better or for worse (MichaelBurov); anyway; either way (I. Havkin); Well, be that as it may (ART Vancouver); that said (Should the second scenario be the case, their determination is admirable, since returning to the proverbial scene of the crop crime is a rather risky gambit. That said, whether they were aliens from another world or humans with boards and rope, they somehow managed to complete the formation without anyone catching them. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver); whatever's going on (MichaelBurov); if anything (YGA); all effects and purposes; by hook and by crook
Игорь Миг regardless
amer. anyhoo (разг. диалект. см. anyhow Taras)
brit. all the same (в этом знач. all the same часто ставится в конец: It rained every day of our holiday – but we had a good time all the same. Val_Ships)
inf. fasho (fast-forward); after all (A deal's a deal after all. plushkina); come hell or high water (I'll get you to the airport by noon, come hell or high water! Val_Ships)
obs. howbe
proverb be it as it may
как бы то ни был
gen. any... whatsoever
как бы то ни было
: 11 phrases in 3 subjects