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исчез! vstresses
mil. napoo
исчезнуть v
gen. vanish; die; disperse; flee (только past и p. p.); fly (the bird has fown – "птичка улетела" (преступник скрылся); it is late, we must fly – уже поздно, нам пора убираться); lose; melt; ooze; pass; pass away; sheer off; take to itself wings; vanish into space; self-destruct; steal away; do a guy; make oneself scarce; take wings; be lost in something; shape the invisible (Alex Lilo); do a vanishing act (Anglophile); pinpoint (Сomandor); die a death (контекст: "Soccer has died a death today, the final nail in the coffin" 16bge06); self destruct; vanish into air (Александр_10); long gone (lingvo-online.ru Senior Strateg); go away (Tanya Gesse); perish; slip; get clear away; go missing (в знач. "пропасть", в т.ч.о человеке Maria Klavdieva); fly (the bird has fown – "птичка улетела" (преступник скрылся)); be lost in something; pop off; whip into; disappear; skip out; take the run-out; be gone (I knew when the demolition crew left that day that any tangible evidence of my family and all the other families that lived within the walls of the beautiful character house over the past 112 years would be gone. – исчезнут ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik disappear
Игорь Миг drop off radar; drop off the radar; fall off radar; go gentle; go gentle into that good night; wane; melt away
amer. vanish off the radar screen (Val_Ships); drop off the grid (на некоторое время Val_Ships); do a Houdini (без предупреждения; Damn, he does a Houdini оn me again. Val_Ships); do a Houdini act (по примеру Гудини Val_Ships); fall off the grid (из поля зрения на время: when her partner falls off the grid Val_Ships)
astronaut. nullify
comp.games. derezz (Masakiti)
hobby burn and crash (Анна Ф); become uncool (Анна Ф)
idiom. go out the window (Баян); dust out (аналогично русскому "исчез, как ветром сдуло" Yeldar Azanbayev); go out of the window (VLZ_58); disappear into the blue (We're all puzzled by the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle where hundreds of boats and planes have disappeared into the blue leaving no trace at all.); get the hell out of Dodge (Taras); get out of Dodge (Taras); disappear like the morning mist (Taras); disappear like smoke in the wind (Taras); vanish in a puff of smoke (Taras); fall off the face of the earth (joyand); crawl under a rock (VLZ_58); get off the radar (She was in trouble, and so she faked her suicide so she could disappear and get off the radar. VLZ_58); fall off the radar (He does the deed, gets away with murder and falls off the radar. VLZ_58)
idiom., mean.2 go south
inf. evaporate; push off; put across; get; blink out (на глазах у свидетелей: Clyde Shaw, however – who had an MIB encounter after seeing a "Flying Triangle"-type UFO late one September 1989 night in Phoenix, Arizona – had a fascinating story to tell that revolves around invisibility. Shaw swore that he saw his unwelcome visitor "become blurred" on the doorstep – kind of like in a heat haze – for a couple of seconds and then blinked out completely. (...) Does that mean the MIB have "invisibility cloaks"? Maybe they do. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver); be swayze (he shot him, took his wallet and was swayze Ufel Trabel); go MIA ('More); go bye-bye (VLZ_58); go to ground (на время; He found the media attention intolerable and went to ground for several months. Val_Ships); do a bunk (VLZ_58)
Makarov. become extinct; cease to be; die out; dissipate; fade away; go (went; gone); go down the drain; go west; merge (into); taper out; dry out; peter out; be lost; go out of existence; merge into; pass off; pass out of existence; to self-destruct; take wing; tear away
Makarov., inf. come adrift; boil away; do a disappearing act; fly of the window; go adrift; take off; tear off
math. be extinct
new.zeal. be up the boohai (VLZ_58)
relig. abolish
slang bunch; cheese it; cheeze it; dust; gypsy's leave; slough; take the air; head South (Interex); bunk; skip town (disappear without notifying anyone КГА); take a bunk (Yeldar Azanbayev)
исчезни! v
gen. begone (Vadim Rouminsky)
Игорь Миг beat it!; shove off!; make yourself scarce!
amer. bite the ice! (VLZ_58)
inf. Clear out! (Andrey Truhachev); kiss off! (george serebryakov); bug off (VLZ_58); be gone (Vadim Rouminsky)
slang get lost; Go fly a kite!; do one! (Баян)
исчезни v
gen. scram (Andrew Goff); go sit on a tack (Bartek2001)
: 273 phrases in 20 subjects
American usage, not spelling6
British usage, not spelling1
Computer graphics1
Figure of speech2
Mass media2
Oil / petroleum1