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verb | verb | to phrases
истощаться vstresses
gen. waste; dwindle; run down; run short; wear out (о терпении и т. п.); peter out; tail off; atrophy; spend; run dry (напр., о запасах); drain; impoverish; sap; thin; macerate; consume; run low (о пище, деньгах и т. п.); run low (о запасах и т. п.); wear thin (VLZ_58); run thin (flourella); flag (ослабевать: I’d argue with him, but I can feel my energy flagging already. Abysslooker); be exhausted (physically)
Gruzovik become weak (impf of истощиться)
Игорь Миг wane; be on the wane
astronaut. deplete (о запасе кислорода, топлива)
austral., slang poop; tucker out; hag out
biol. peter (out)
cinema deplete (Batteries are depleted); run down (The batteries are run down)
econ. run out (о запасах); run low (о запасах)
el. deflate
geol. dwindle away; exhaust
IT run out
Makarov. be exhausted; be worked out; become poor; die off; emaciate; peter out (о запасах); peter out (о природных ресурсах); come to an end; be depleted; burn out (о способности, таланте); run down (напр., о запасах); waste away; wear away; wear down; wear off; wear thin
math. be getting low; be running short; be nearly exhausted; be used up; run thin (Гевар)
med. run low; wear out; become exhausted
med., Makarov. become emaciated; dwindle (away)
media. to run low; to run short
mil., arm.veh. wear
nano deplete
tech. peter (о природных ресурсах); fail
uncom. tabefy
winemak. attenuate (о бродящей жидкости)
истощать v
gen. erode (eroding the available margin which leads to margin calls vlad-and-slav); drain (силы, средства); overtax (MichaelBurov); dispirit (силы); unnerve; wither; wizen; tire out; burn the candle at both ends; exhaust; use up (to feel used up – чувствовать себя совершенно обессиленным); deplete; attenuate; emaclate; wear; spend; sap; impoverish (почву); debilitate; depauperate; emaciate; outwear (терпение); rack; starve; run down; suck dry; wear out (о терпении и т. п.); outweary; unstock (запасы); atrophy (ся); distress; run down (ся); waste away; wear down; wear out (ся); devastate; reduce; thin; wear out; prostrate (о болезни, горе и т. п.); macerate; work out; overcome; do
Gruzovik drain (impf of истощить)
account. drain (напр., ресурсы)
agrochem. exhaust (ся)
anim.husb. peter (out; о природных ресурсах)
astronaut. deplete (о запасе кислорода, топлива)
dipl. drain (ресурсы и т.п.)
dril. waste
econ. exhaust (природные ресурсы)
el. deflate
inf. do over
Makarov. deplete (запасы); drain (напр., лесные ресурсы); draw (почву); exhaust (почву); reduce in strength; burn out; draw down (запасы); run out; use up; wear away; wear off; reduce to
Makarov., inf. knock out (силы); knock up
mech.eng. draw down
obs. empoverish; impoor; sterve; sterven; unspirit (силы)
relig. tabefy
shipb. empty
sport. drain
vernac. soak
истощающийся prtc.
math. dwindling; depleting
истощавший prtc.
gen. malnourished (alexghost)
: 106 phrases in 22 subjects
Mass media1
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Oil / petroleum1
Oil and gas technology1
Scottish usage1
Textile industry1