cleric. |
confessant; confitent |
law |
confessor |
rel., christ. |
penitent |
relig. |
confessing; shriving |
gen. |
confess (веру, кающегося); interrogate; hear the confession of; practice; espouse (an idea, principle, etc.); profess (веру); hear a shrift; receive confession (кого-либо); confess (impf and pf); embrace (Zolushka); hew to (Eisenhower hewed to a different philosophy Андрей Уманец) |
Gruzovik |
admit (impf and pf) |
fig., inf. |
unburden oneself of (impf and pf) |
Gruzovik, fig. |
adhere to (impf and pf); follow (impf and pf) |
Gruzovik, inf. |
draw out (impf and pf); question closely (impf and pf) |
Gruzovik, relig. |
confess (impf and pf); profess a faith; hear confession of (impf and pf) |
law |
worship (религию) |
obs. |
shrive |
rel., christ. |
hear someone's confession (Andrey Truhachev); hear confession of (someone) |
relig. |
shrive (To administer the sacrament of reconciliation); acknowledge; advocate; affirm; confess To acknowledge belief or faith in something; espouse (ту или иную веру bellb1rd); adhere |
gen. |
shrive; make shrift; confess; profess; confess one's self; confess one’s sins |
cleric. |
make confession (to) |
fig. |
get something off one's chest (Franka_LV); get off the chest (Franka_LV); get off one's chest (Franka_LV); confess (рассказывать, признаваться) |
Gruzovik, fig. |
unburden oneself of (impf and pf); acknowledge (impf and pf) |
Gruzovik, relig. |
make one's confession to (impf and pf); confess one's sins (impf and pf) |
Makarov., fig. |
unbosom oneself (рассказывать, признаваться) |
rel., christ. |
make one's confession to (someone); go to confession (Andrey Truhachev); confess (Борис Горелик) |
relig. |
shrive To confess (one's) sins to a priest |
slang |
wash the pot (Serguei_N7) |
gen. |
professor (религию); confessor (веру) |