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verb | verb | to phrases
исписаться vstresses
gen. overwrite; write oneself out; to outwrite oneself; exhaust one's inspiration (Anglophile); exhaust one's powers (Anglophile); too tired to write anymore (rechnik); write oneself (The author has written himself into a corner 4uzhoj); dry (об авторе); be used up (of a pencil); be worn to a stump
fig.of.sp. run dry (о писателе В.И.Макаров)
Gruzovik, slang commit suicide (pf of исписываться)
inf. of a writer lose one’s creativity; become stale
libr. be written out (о писателе); write oneself out (о писателе); write out (о писателе)
Makarov. exhaust one's inspiration; exhaust one's powers
исписать v
gen. cover with writing; use up (paper, a pencil, etc.); use up in writing (paper, pencil, etc)
Gruzovik, slang commit suicide (pf of исписывать)
Makarov. cover with writing (напр., страницу)
math. cover with writing (страницу)
исписатьсяо сочинителе v
gen. outwrite one's reputation; outwrite one's self
исписанный prtc.
gen. full of notes
: 17 phrases in 4 subjects