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исковое требование
 исковое требование
busin. action
insur. complaint
law count; plaintiff's claim; prayer for relief; claim
notar. demand of the relief; relief demanded in the complaint
 исковые требования
gen. stated claims; particulars of claim
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gen. on
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 небольшая сумма
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to phrases
исковое требованиеstresses
busin. action
insur. complaint
law count; plaintiff's claim; prayer for relief (Lavrov); claim (Евгений Тамарченко)
notar. demand of the relief (which the plaintiff claims); relief demanded in the complaint
исковые требования
gen. stated claims (Lavrov); particulars of claim (in England) the first reading made by the claimant in a county court action, showing the facts upon which he or she relies in support of a claim and the relief asked for. Collins English Dictionary. A Claim Form and Particulars of Claim are known as statements of case. ‘Statements of case' is a relatively new legal term for these court documents, which were previously known as ‘pleadings'. LE Alexander Demidov); legal actions (Alexander Demidov)
law claims under the lawsuit (Alexey Lebedev); relief sought (4uzhoj); particulars of claim (=statement of claim). Formerly known as a statement of claim. Under the Civil Procedure Rules, a document setting out the case of the claimant and specifying the facts relied upon. The particulars of claim are either contained in the claim form or served on the defendant with the claim form or within a specified period). thomsonreuters.com Elikos)
patents. prayer for relief (Beanman19)
исковое требование: 112 phrases in 13 subjects
Court law2
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development2
Notarial practice7
Oil and gas1