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gen. gerrymander; palter with facts; twist facts (Anglophile); distort the facts (bigmaxus); distort the truth (bigmaxus); spin facts (Alexey Lebedev); sklent; wangle; be fabricating facts (Alex_Odeychuk); pervert the facts (Andrey Truhachev); get the facts wrong (Tamerlane); misrepresent the facts; bend the facts (Bullfinch)
Игорь Миг play fast and loose with the facts
econ. distort facts
idiom. bend the truth (To change certain facts Interex)
law misrepresent facts; misrepresent
Makarov. colour the facts; distort news; distort the news; twist news; twist the news
rhetor. twist the facts (Alex_Odeychuk); be twisting the facts (Alex_Odeychuk)
sec.sys. be misrepresenting the facts (Alex_Odeychuk)
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Makarov. distort a fact
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: 6 phrases in 5 subjects
Criminal law1