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SNA nstresses
busin. система национальных счетов
Gruzovik, comp., net. сетевая архитектура систем (systems network architecture)
avia. спутниковая навигационная корректирующая система SNAS (China MichaelBurov)
sna n
astronaut. протокол SNA
SNA abbr.
abbr. shared nothing architecture-распределенная вычислительная архитектура (NikSayko)
comp. сетевая архитектура систем
comp., net. системная сетевая архитектура
econ. СНС
Gruzovik, scient. сетевая архитектура системы (system’s network architecture)
 English thesaurus
SNA abbr.
abbr. Saturday Night Alternative; Shona; Social Network Analysis; System For Nuclear Auxiliary; system of national accounts
abbr., avia. John Wayne International Airport, Orange County, California USA
abbr., dat.proc. systems network architecture IBM
abbr., el. share nothing architecture; signal noise analysis; synchronous network architecture
abbr., environ. Significant Natural Area
abbr., fin. System of National Accounts 1993; SEIFiCs
abbr., HF.electr. scalar network analyzer
abbr., IT Systems Network Architecture
abbr., lab.eq. Sambucus nigra agglutinin
abbr., med. Singapore Nurses Association; Specimen Not Available; Student Nurses Association; Sympathetic Nerve Activity
abbr., media. Subject Not Available
abbr., mil. Survivable Network Analysis; System Network Architecture; social network analysis
abbr., org.name. System of National Accounts
abbr., scottish Sous-Marins d'Attaque (Nuclear attack submarines (France)); Soviet Naval Aviation; Surface Navy Association (USA); Systeme de Navigation et d'Attaque
abbr., st.exch. Snap On Tools Corp
abbr., transp. John Wayne Airport - Orange County
mil. student naval aviator
tech. steerable null antenna
SNAS abbr.
abbr., avia. Satellite Navigation Augmentation System (China MichaelBurov)
abbr., el. signaling network analysis system
SNAE abbr.
abbr., mil., WMD Strategic Nuclear Arms Elimination
SNA abbr.
abbr., avia. standard network architecture
abbr., busin. software network analysis
abbr., chem. sodium naphthalene acetate
abbr., earth.sc. system of national account
abbr., oil system network analysis
NA известны логический блок , таблица класс
: 20 phrases in 9 subjects
Computer networks3
Information technology2
United Nations1