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импортозамещение nstresses
gen. imports phase-out (before, during and after the imports phase-out period. Alexander Demidov); import phaseout (Because of their strong ozone depletion potential, the Montreal Protocol required the earliest production and import phaseout of halons in the ... Alexander Demidov); import phase-out (PRODUCTION AND IMPORT PHASE OUT BY 31st DECEMBER 1994. COMPLETE BAN ON TRADE AND USE BY 1st OCTOBER 2000. 1,1,1-trichloroethane. Alexander Demidov)
busin. local content (Ibatullin)
EBRD import substitution (глагол: phase out imports. import substitution: A strategy for the industrialization of less developed countries (LDCs), of concentrating initially on replacing imports by domestically produced substitutes. Oxford Economics. import substitution, economic policy adopted in most developing countries from the 1930s to the 1980s to promote industrialization by protecting domestic producers from the competition of imports. Protection–in the form of high tariffs or the restriction of imports through quotas–was applied indiscriminately, often to inherently high-cost industries that had no hope of ever becoming internationally competitive. After the early stages of import substitution, protected new industries tended to be very intensive in the use of capital and especially of imported capital goods–i.e., tangible items such as buildings, machinery, and equipment produced and used in the production of other ...Britannica Alexander Demidov)
int.rel. localization (Yakov F.)
law phase-out of imports (Alexander Demidov)
Импортозамещение n
agric. Import substitution industrialization (Tatyana_ATA)
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects