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gen. run-down; done; done up; overcome by; all-in; all-out
inf. sick
| голодом
gen. starvation

adjective | verb | verb | to phrases
измученный adj.stresses
gen. run-down (Interex); done; done up; overcome by (голодом и т.п.); all-in; all-out; beaten; worn-out; haggard; jaded; all to pieces; jacked up; tired out; chivied; forworn; heavy-handed; outspent; overworn; exhausted; weariful; burned-out (о человеке); burnt-out (о человеке); tortured (Азери); burned out; burnt out; pinched; worn out; lived-in (о голосе, лице, внешности rodnenkov); careworn (Liv Bliss); wasted (Inna Oslon); decrepit; fagged; frazzled; harried (NGGM); weary (Abysslooker); knocked-up (Taras); perished; worn out fatigue; knocked up fatigue; spent with fatigue; harassed out (чем-л.); harassed with (чем-л.); wearied; done in
Gruzovik tired-out
amer. beat-down (Taras)
austral., slang buggered; knackered; zonked; zonked-out
brit. shagged out (Andrew Goff)
idiom. be the worse for wear (Это состояние после эмоциональных или физических нагрузок, продолжающихся в течение некоторого времени.: Here I was, two days after being KO'ed, looking very much the worse for wear and feeling even worse than I looked. APN)
inf. sick; all in; used up; spun; whacked to the wide (Taras); beat; beating
inf., amer. clanked
mil., lingo have it (MichaelBurov); have one (MichaelBurov)
obs. fordone; wapped; wappened
slang knocked out; hacked (Interex); bush; whipped-up whipped up
измучить v
gen. hag; tire out; weary down; weary out; bedevil; jade; torment; excruciate; torture; pine; rack; frazzle; jadeite; knock up; get down (VLZ_58); wear down (VLZ_58)
Gruzovik harass (pf of мучить); worry (pf of мучить); tease (pf of мучить); tire out; exhaust (pf of измучивать)
fig. surbate
fig., inf. plague
inf. blister; do up; kill
law subject to torture
Makarov. frazzle out; flog to death
Makarov., inf. do up (обыкн. p. p.)
sport. run ragged (VLZ_58)
измучиться v
gen. cook (от жары); excruciate; harass; torment; torture; worry; jadeite; cry for (без Bonikid); tease; have no kick left in
Gruzovik be tired out (pf of измучиваться); spend oneself (pf of измучиваться); be worried to death (pf of измучиваться); be tortured by (pf of мучиться); be exhausted (pf of измучиваться); suffer (pf of мучиться)
idiom. have no kick left (Taras)
inf. jade
Makarov. burn out
mineral. bejade
: 69 phrases in 9 subjects
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