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verb | verb | to phrases
измотать vstresses
gen. breathe; run into the ground (кого-либо); maul (противника); beat the stuffing out of (кого-либо); knock the stuffing out of (кого-либо); take the stuffing out of (кого-либо); take the shine out of (кого-либо); crock; crock up
Игорь Миг overextend; tire to death
book. attrit (противника)
fig. wear out (This job has really worn me out. – вымотала • измотала • замучила ART Vancouver)
Gruzovik, inf. exhaust (pf of изматывать); wear out (pf of изматывать); harass (pf of изматывать)
inf. get used to disorganized way of life (pf of изматываться)
Makarov., inf. sew up
mil. tire out; harass (американизм nem0)
slang sew up (кого-либо)
sport. run ragged (Atlanta ran the Wizards ragged, hit 64 percent from the field, and led by 11 at the end of their highest-scoring first quarter of the postseason. VLZ_58)
измотаться v
gen. be feel used up; tew; work oneself to a frazzle; run out of steam; grind; do in
Gruzovik, inf. be exhausted (pf of изматываться); be worn out (pf of изматываться); get used to disorganized way of life (pf of изматываться)
inf. exhaust; harass; wear out; slog one's guts out (Andrey Truhachev); work oneself to death (Andrey Truhachev); bust a gut (Andrey Truhachev)
: 27 phrases in 4 subjects