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gen. poop; shag; irk; attrit; do to
amer. inf. mil. tucker
Makarov. sap
mil. wear out; exhaust; deplete

verb | verb | to phrases
изматывать vstresses
gen. poop; shag; irk (Aly19); attrit; do to; jade; sap (силы, здоровье); waste; wash out (обыкн. p. p.); atrophy (VLZ_58); fatigue (nutsey)
Gruzovik harass (impf of измотать)
Игорь Миг be all-consuming; tire to death
amer., inf., mil. tucker
idiom. hold at bay (fiuri2)
inf. grind down (Driving a heavy truck through a thick, dark night eventually grinds you down. ART Vancouver); do up; do
Makarov. sap; wash out; wear down
mil. wear out; exhaust; deplete; harass
mil., arm.veh. beat (противника)
mil., lingo have someone at bay (Bobrovska)
obs. fordo (о жаре trancer)
sport. mangle
изматываться v
gen. tew; grind
Gruzovik, inf. be worn out (impf of измотаться); get used to a disorganized way of life (impf of измотаться); be exhausted (impf of измотаться); be exhauste (impf of измотаться)
idiom. run out of steam (Taras)
inf. exhaust; get used to disorganized way of life; harass; wear out
о работе изматывать v
vulg. knock the hell out of (someone)
: 23 phrases in 5 subjects