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to phrases
избитые фразыstresses
gen. ready-made phrases; hackneyed phrases; hack phrases
dipl. platitude
Makarov. conventional phraseology
избитая фраза
gen. time-worn phrase (Anglophile); commonplace (Franka_LV); overused phrase (Anglophile); wheeze; well-worn phrase (Andrey Truhachev); bromide; trite phrase; tag
Gruzovik commonplace phrase
adv. cliche; tired phrase
idiom., mean.2 old saw (overused expression: "An apple a day keeps the doctor away!" "That old saw is as untrue as it is annoying" • Sure, we have all heard the old saw about not having to work if you are able to support yourself financially doing something you love to do. 4uzhoj)
избитые фразы
: 6 phrases in 1 subject