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идиот nstresses
gen. idiot; mooncalf; moron; one-eye; cretin; gowk; imbeciles (Rust71); stookawn (AnnaOchoa); ignoramus (Andrew Goff); doping; one eye; imbecile; moon-calf; doddypoll (blockhead КГА); natural (от рождения); driveller; so-and-so; mouthbreather (иногда раздельно: mouth breather; иногда через дефис: mouth-breather: every single word that mouthbreather is allowed to publish is completely destroying the image of the newsletter vogeler); fool born; banana truck; bananas truck; derr (также междометие, выражающее презрительное отношение к собеседнику КГА); dumbo; feeb; dizzard (grigoriy_m); crazy (VLZ_58); numbnut (vogeler)
Gruzovik dolt
Игорь Миг basket case; real nut job
amer. ding-dong (Taras); dumb skull (Taras); no-account (Anglophile); dummkopf (Anglophile); dumbkopf (Anglophile); dumkopf (Anglophile); dumвass (Val_Ships); pendejo (из мексиканского вокабуляра Val_Ships); stupido (Jack lacks brain cells, he is a stupido. Val_Ships); oaf (anyone who took him for an oaf and tried to cheat him would be in for a nasty surprise Val_Ships); babbo (slang; a person who acts like an idiot or in fact is an idiot Val_Ships); loof (MartiniDetka)
austral., slang bozo; dumbcluck; eggroll; galah; nana; nong; sausage short of a barbeque; snag short of a barbie; spac; spack; spak
avunc. dumb-ass (Andrey Truhachev)
brit. bellend (Taras); bell end (Taras); nit (Anglophile)
comp.games. doorstopper (Taras); door stopper (Taras)
contempt. ass-hat (luminorena)
derog. schmuck (из идиша: Cyclists are a special type of privileged schmuck.)
emph. wally (MichaelBurov); wallie (MichaelBurov)
fig. lunatic (igisheva); spastic (igisheva); retard (igisheva); spacka (igisheva); loony (igisheva); looney (igisheva); looney tune (igisheva); looney tunes (igisheva); loonie (igisheva); loony tune (igisheva); loony tunes (igisheva); loon (igisheva)
inf. dumb-bell; skism (Zukrynka); wazzock (Julie Mesange); simpleton (Andrey Truhachev); dimwit; dumbshit (a stupid person Val_Ships); retard (He's like a retard that doesn't know any better Andrey Truhachev); wastoid (Taras); jerko (Taras); zipdick (mazurov); halfpipe (Albonda); shrub (Taras); toolbag (сильнее чем tool, но легче чем douchbag chronik); faggot (A word used to describe someone who's acting like a faggot. Faggot doesn't mean gay in this context, it just means someone's being a fucking faggot. 'd never call a gay guy faggot, but if someone tells me something fuckin stupid, that faggot can eat a dick Yeldar Azanbayev); nimrod (VLZ_58); goofball (VLZ_58)
inf., brit. clot
invect. fuckwit ("A person who is not only lacking in clue but is apparently unable or unwilling to acquire clue even when handed it on a plate in generous portions." – urbandictionary.com Vadim Rouminsky); chucklefuck (Taras); suck bag (Taras); ball bag (Taras); shithead (американизм nicknicky777); butthead (американизм, в частности, имя одного из двух персонажей американского мульсериала "Beavis & Butthead" nicknicky777); spacker (igisheva); spaz (igisheva); spazmo (igisheva); spazmoid (igisheva); spazzer (igisheva); spazzy (igisheva); sped (igisheva); spackhead (igisheva); spacko (igisheva)
irish gobdaw (an idiot, an ordinary fool, a dolt, a gullible person Taras)
irish.lang. eejit (idiot Taras); omadhaun; egit; Gobshite (Букв. – "дерьмо из глотки" Franka_LV); Gombeen (то же, что и gom Franka_LV)
jap. baka (urbandictionary.com Rust71)
jarg. bananahead (американизм, то же, что и "butthead" nicknicky777); meat-head
law dunce
Makarov. innocent
med. ament
med., inf. dolt
n.amer. dingus (I just lost my keys again. Now I feel like a dingus.)
obs. wantwit
relig. fool
rude jerk-off; head ass (Баян); headass (Баян); fagbag (Taras); sod (Manioc1); Bloody Fool (BF MichaelBurov); knucklehead (Don't stick that screwdriver into the live electrical outlet, you knucklehead! Val_Ships)
scottish bam (joyand)
slang goofus (VLZ_58); prize plum (suburbian); feeb (VLZ_58); ninkypoop (duckesa); donut (from Urban Dictionary ikondra); plumb (boggler); dumbfuck (КГА); dickbrain (КГА); toolbox (aqua); idjit (acrogamnon); burke (Anglophile); dude; Amadain (Omadhan Franka_LV); Caffler (Franka_LV); mutt (Franka_LV); stooge (Stooge can also sometimes be used to mean "Idiot" (according to Wikipedia) Weletska); nipple head (Азери); bean brain (Азери); airhead (Yuriy83); stupe; douchetard (Alexey Lebedev); dumpshit (Bauirjan); couyon (Cajun French term for a foolish person. Also used in Cajun English. КГА); Idjut (Beforeyouaccuseme); four-oh-four (That guy's 404–he barely knows his own name. VLZ_58); speng (nofour138); wossack (SergeyLetyagin); ninkenpoop (duckesa); mug (VLZ_58); burk (It was a fucking funeral you burk! Pigalle); bonehead (VLZ_58); ijit (Prastabah)
slang, contempt. dingleberry (Anglophile)
vulg. ass-head; bee-fool; bell-end; berk; big bum; big bummer; bit of a knob (см. knob); bletherskate (буквально означает bag of shite); blooming idiot; can of piss; cheesy helmet; dork; fuckwit; gack; gee-bag (см. gee); goit; gom; gowl; jerk; jerkwad; jive ass; mong; muppet; nucker (сокращение от numb scull fucker); pee-head; pillock; piss pot; plonker; pranny; prat; pratt; prick; pussy clot; puto; rass clot (см. rass и pussy clot); scrote; smeghead; stupid shit; wank stain; wank; div; dumbnuts; knob-head; numbnuts; twat (Alex Krayevsky); putz (евр.); Sir Anthony (см. Sir Anthony Blunt); barf bag; bloody fool; doughnut
yiddish. meshuggah (MichaelBurov); meshuga (MichaelBurov); shmendrik (SGints); meshuggener (VLZ_58)
Игорь Миг, rude dickhead
"Идиот" n
lit. the Idiot (роман Достоевского)
от еврейского 80+90, означающего буквы pay и tzadik, являющиеся эвфемизмом слова putz q.v. идиот n
vulg. eighty-ninety
: 145 phrases in 29 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
British usage, not spelling1
Cliche / convention1
Information technology3
Low register6
Obsolete / dated1