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noun | verb | verb | to phrases
зубрила nstresses
gen. grinder; crammer; swot; smug; regurgitator (контекстуальный перевод Ремедиос_П); brainer (mikhailbushin)
amer. grind; greasy grind (Anglophile)
college.vern., jarg. stewpot
disappr. nerd (Stormy)
fig. Poindexter (xydyfjfhj)
inf. academic weapon (alphaponi)
inf., amer. dig
inf., mean.2 spook
school.sl., jarg. sap
slang cram; cramer; mothball; plug; valedictorian (alex-l1904); swat (Ksenia Ruffell); horse; plugger; poler; squid (The whole campus is populated with squids and nerds – В этом студенческом городке одни зубрилы и придурки (New English-Russian dictionary of modern colloquial English). mym0use); tremaine (a kid who studies all the time, usually for tests or exams that are months or weeks away Beforeyouaccuseme); spod (NGGM)
univer., school.sl., jarg. mug
зубрил n
inf. crammer (= зубрила; masc and fem)
зубрить v
gen. bone up (on a subject – предмет); con; sap; swot; ground; phi-bete; grind at (что-либо); pun the books; slog away (otlichnica_po_jizni); phi bete; cram up; parrot; notch; jag (impf of зазубрить); mug; binge study (перед экзаменом; the act of cramming intensely a day or two before a huge test and then regurgitating the information the day of. VLZ_58); cram; learn by rote (что-либо); learn by rote; con over; grind (готовиться к экзамену в учебном заведении); make notches in; grind away at examination subjects (какие-л. предметы, корпе́ть над (каки́ми-л.) предме́тами пе́ред экза́менами)
amer. dig
amer., college.vern., jarg. hit the books
amer., univer., jarg. bone (at, on)
austral. learn from heart (Darsha)
Gruzovik, inf. cram
Gruzovik, tech. jag (impf of зазубрить)
inf. stew; take a cram course (Enrica); cramed; bone up on (VLZ_58); cram (study hard)
inf., amer. study
jarg., college.vern., amer. bone (предмет)
Makarov. memorize; bone up on; learn by heart; learn something by rote (что-либо); pound the books (книги)
Makarov., inf. swot up
Makarov., jarg., school.sl., univer. mug up (к экзамену и т. п.)
Makarov., jarg., univer., amer. bone at; bone down; bone in; bone on; bone up
mech.eng. tooth
obs. crenelate
polygr. nick
slang muzz; down with it; pound the books; cram; grub; nerd out (To study intensely, swot VLZ_58); swat (serejechka)
tech. dent; indent; serrate
univer., school.sl. mug up
зубриться v
gen. indent; jag; serrate; notch
Gruzovik, tech. become jagged; become notched; become serrated
inf. cram; learn by rote
: 36 phrases in 5 subjects