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to phrases
знать что к чемуstresses
gen. know the how and why of things; know beans; jive; know the score
Игорь Миг be up to speed on
inf. know the drill (You know the drill – cut the grass, bag the clippings, and leave them at the curb. Val_Ships)
Makarov. understand trap
Makarov., slang, amer. know how many beans make five
proverb know what's what
saying. know on which side bread is buttered
slang know where it's at; where it's at; where the action is
знать, что к чему
gen. know the ropes (Anglophile); have one's priorities right (Anglophile); know one's way around (Дмитрий_Р); know how many beans make five
Gruzovik know the how and why of things
Makarov. know the time of day
proverb know on which side one's bread is buttered (дословно: Знать, с какой стороны твой хлеб маслом намазан); know on which side one's bread is buttered; know what's what
slang know what's what
знать, что к чемубукв.: знать, с какой стороны хлеб намазан маслом
Makarov., proverb know on which side one's bread is buttered
знать , что к чему
: 23 phrases in 5 subjects