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gen. gross violation (Кунделев); willful violation (HarryWharton&Co); worse violation (MichaelBurov); grossest violation (MichaelBurov); egregious violation (MichaelBurov); gross breach (MichaelBurov); worse breach (MichaelBurov); grossest breach (MichaelBurov); egregious breach (MichaelBurov); willful breach (MichaelBurov); persistent violation (jodrey)
formal flagrant flouting (A co-accused in the case, fisherman Scott Stanley Matthew Steer, was earlier handed a six-month jail sentence and lifetime crab fishing ban for his repeated and flagrant flouting of fisheries laws, including five offences stemming from the same incident. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
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Игорь Миг malpractice
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