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food.ind. ribbed
gen. do the Nazi salute; do the Hitler salute; perform a Nazi salute
Makarov. crimp a material; form beads
pack. flange; bead; crimp; bend
| панель
gen. pavement

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зиговать vstresses
gen. do the Nazi salute (Ремедиос_П); do the Hitler salute (Ремедиос_П); perform a Nazi salute (Buckingham Palace has said it is disappointed that footage from 1933 showing the Queen performing a Nazi salute has been released. bbc.com Mr. Wolf)
Makarov. crimp a material; form beads
pack. flange; bead; crimp; bend
polit. give the Hitler salute (Andrey Truhachev)
зигованный prtc.
food.ind. ribbed (о типе жестяной банки, это банка с ребристым телом, не гладким google.com BabaikaFromPechka)
зигованная: 5 phrases in 2 subjects