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gen. move to remove (William Jacobs was charged with two counts of criminal sexual conduct. Jacobs moved to remove the judge assigned to his case for cause, ... Alexander Demidov); move to disqualify (Do non-clients have standing to move to disqualify based on a conflict of interest? | A party may have standing to move to disqualify opposing counsel based upon an ethical transgression other than a breach of duty. Cal Pak Delivery, Inc. v. Alexander Demidov)
dipl. file an objection
law except (Lucym); seek recusal (triumfov); ask for recusal (кому-либо – не себе, напр.: the plaintiff asked for the judge's recusal ART Vancouver); request that someone be recused (The Second Circuit Court of Appeals has granted argument over a request that Judge Lewis A. Kaplan be recused for his handling of a case filed by Chevron to try to obstruct the enforcement of an $18 billion judgment against the oil giant in Ecuador. The Writ of Mandamus seeking Kaplan's recusal, filed by two Ecuadorian plaintiffs, is here. 4uzhoj); recuse (судье, прокурору и т.д.; legal term Tanya Gesse); ask for a different (If you think the interpreter is not interpreting correctly, object to the hearing and ask for a different interpreter. 4uzhoj)
notar. challenge; propose a disqualification of
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Makarov. declare recusations
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: 12 phrases in 3 subjects