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зашкаливает vstresses
gen. over the top (alindra); over 9000 (urbandictionary.com Artjaazz)
inf. way too much (ART Vancouver); way over the limit (ART Vancouver)
зашкаливать v
gen. run high (об эмоциях DC); be off the charts (bookworm); go into overdrive (With all the new faces you're meeting and greeting right now, your brain is going into overdrive. VLZ_58); through the roof (driven); spill over (Emotions spilled over as thousands of Melbournians rallied on the steps of the state library in co-ordinated, Australia-wide rallies and chants of "let them stay" rang out, protesting the High Courts decision regarding the 267 refugees facing deportation on February 8, 2016 in Melbourne, Australia. VLZ_58); flare up (об эмоциях: tempers sometimes flare up Taras); shoot out of sight (напр., о показателе на графике Olya34); heat up (And competition is heating up, with On Holding AG – a Swiss newcomer backed by tennis giant Roger Federer – gaining ground and luxury houses elbowing their way into casual wear. Karychinskiy)
Игорь Миг rise to a fever pitch (конт., о страстях, чувствах, эмоциях и проч.)
fig. overload (Vadim Rouminsky); run amok (The transaction costs in a world where greed runs amok would be astronomical. A.Rezvov)
idiom. be off the charts (The number of brides posing for a photo in Stanley Park is off the charts today. This is the third one spotted in the last five minutes! -- количество невест зашкаливает ART Vancouver)
inf. be through the roof (Dannka); max out (VLZ_58); go off the scale (Баян)
Makarov. go off-scale (о стрелке); sweep off-scale (о стрелке)
metrol. overshoot (о приборе)
O&G, sakh. go off scale
slang go through the roof (Баян)
tech. read off scale; sweep off scale; read off-scale (о приборе)
зашкаливающий prtc.
gen. over-the-top (During the first years of Mr. Putin’s presidency, Ms. Sobchak (her full name is pronounced KSAIN-ya sub-CHACK) made herself into an avatar of Moscow’s over-the-top, oil-fueled high life. Alexander Demidov); off-the-chart (off-the-chart IQ Moscowtran)
Игорь Миг stratospheric; spiraling; ballooning
rhetor. crazy (Alex_Odeychuk)
tech. off the scale (Artjaazz)
"зашкаливать" v
astronaut. go off scale
: 18 phrases in 5 subjects
Organized crime1