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зачитывать vstresses
gen. read; accept (impf of зачитать); pass (impf of зачитать); reckon; appropriate (a borrowed book Anglophile); account; credit; thumb; wear out; tear; read out; read to tatters (a book Anglophile); exceed alloted time (in lecturing); read over (вслух предварительно записанный текст: This statement has been read over to me. 4uzhoj)
Gruzovik exhaust someone by prolonged reading aloud (impf of зачитать); count as (impf of зачесть); credit as (impf of зачесть); pass (impf of зачесть); accept (impf of зачесть); count as; reckon as (impf of зачесть); take into account (impf of зачесть)
Игорь Миг read aloud
dipl. read (публично)
Gruzovik, inf. read a book, newspaper, etc to tatters (impf of зачитать); borrow a book and fail to return it to its owner (impf of зачитать)
Gruzovik, slang exceed one's allotted time in lecturing (impf of зачитать; university slang)
inf. read a book until it is tattered; fail to return (a borrowed book); apply (with в + acc., toward); accept; pass (academic work); make oneself stale by reading (impf of зачитаться)
law offset (to use one cost, payment or situation in order to cancel or reduce the effect of another • ~ something Prices have risen in order to offset the increased cost of materials. • ~ something against something (BrE) What expenses can you offset against tax? OALD Alexander Demidov); defalk
libr. credit (ставить зачет)
notar. to defalk (discharge of debts); set off (discharge of debts)
зачитываться v
gen. be absorbed; read long; overread; engross oneself in a book (Take your mind off it by engrossing yourself in a good book. LDCE Alexander Demidov); count (Andrey Truhachev); accept; credit; pass; reckon as; take into account; be counted; be read aloud (Alex_Odeychuk)
Gruzovik become engrossed in reading (impf of зачитаться); go on reading (impf of зачитаться); be counted; be taken into account (impf of зачесться); be placed to someone's credit (impf of зачесться)
account. offset (financial assets are offset-___-___ финансовые активы зачитываются Andrew052)
fig.of.sp. devour one book after another (Artjaazz); read voraciously (Artjaazz)
Gruzovik, inf. make oneself stale by reading (impf of зачитаться)
inf. become engrossed in reading (with instr., a book, novel, etc.)
Зачитываясь v
fig.of.sp. being lost in a book (Artjaazz)
: 54 phrases in 17 subjects
American usage, not spelling3
Mass media4
World trade organization1